Where Code And Content Meet

John Wiley & Sons (2009)

Web applications consist of more than their functionality. They also rely on edited content that underlies certain models and workflow processes. For presentation purposes this content is assigned a certain layout and is embedded into navigation structures. Sometimes personalisation is applied to taylor content to individual users. With Web 2.0 becoming more and more popular, users are often given the chance to contribute content themselves.

Regarding the management and the maintenance of web content, it's fairly common to use a content management system (CMS). However, that's not quite all. In order to integrate web content into the application you almost always need a good dose of custom software, too.

This book contains 25 design patterns that address this custom software development. The patterns are independent of any specific tool or technology; in particular they make no assumption of what CMS a project might be using. The key topics are content modelling and content management, content delivery, personalisation and user participation, as well as deployment and infrastructure. The individual patterns are explained with a running case study throughout the book. The book concludes with checklists regarding the selection of a CMS tool and the management of a web project.
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